It's time for another edition of the Insecure Writer's Support Group. Be sure to visit Alex J. Cavanaugh and the rest of the talented writers who are always willing to lend a helping hand.
IWSG: #MeToo at The Movies?
Many cinema classics are known for their romantic love scenes. Everyone remembers when the masculine Rhett Butler (Clark Gable) first kissed selfish Scarlett O'hara (Vivien Leigh) in Gone With The Wind, as well as the iconic scene where Sergeant Milton Warden (Burt Lancaster) and army wife Karen Holmes (Deborah Kerr) were frolicking on a Oahu beach in From Here To Eternity.
But with everything surrounding the #MeToo movement, I wonder if screenwriters will take pause before the handsome leading man takes the lovely leading lady in his arms.
But with everything surrounding the #MeToo movement, I wonder if screenwriters will take pause before the handsome leading man takes the lovely leading lady in his arms.
Below is an example of how a future love scene might go in keeping with recent happenings:
This scene takes place outside a New York brownstone apartment, as a young couple are giggling and running upstairs to seek shelter from the rain. Both the man and woman are dressed alike with short hair, black long sleeved t-shirts and black form-fitting pants, as they are equals in every way.
Woman: Would you like to come in for a drink?
Man: Yes, if it's not too much trouble.
They enter the apartment and he sits on the couch while she pours two glasses of wine in the kitchen. Then she brings the glasses into the living room.
Man: Oh, you already poured the drinks?
Woman: Yes, why?
Man: Well, how do I know that you didn't slip anything into mine?
Woman: (sarcastically) So that I could take advantage of you?
Man: Just kidding.
She chooses to overlook his peculiar remark and they toast to getting to know each other better.
After a few more drinks, they look into each other's eyes and move closer.
Man: Is it all right if I kiss you?
The woman leans in.
Man: I want to hear the words.
Woman: Yes, it's all right to kiss me.
They kiss awkwardly and the man jumps up. He pulls something out of his pocket and hands it to her.
She reads it and a strange look comes over her face.
Woman: Is this some kind of a joke?
Man: No, it's a perfectly legit list of all of the things that we'll likely be doing tonight and hopefully tomorrow morning. Just initial all of the items front and back. Then sign and date at the bottom. Oh, and you also have to include a separate signature for item #103 that states you will not change your mind about consenting 30 years from now. You know, in case I make it big.
Woman: But you play the kazoo in the subway.
Man: Yeah, but I could get discovered any day now.
Woman: What's this part in the contract about size?
Man: Size doesn't matter and it should never matter or be discussed. Just date and initial that too. Which reminds me that as a safety measure, all cellular devices, cameras, and lights should be turned off throughout my stay.
Woman: I don't think you need to worry about that last part or any of this ridiculous contract, as I'm not going to sign anything.
Man: (points to his short and pudgy looking self) Well, then you're not going to have any of this.
Woman: GET OUT!
Man: Calm down. I'm not the enemy here. I did this for you.
Woman: What are you talking about? We just met at a bar across the street about an hour ago.
Man: Well, you're the first woman I've given the contract to. I had my friend who's studying pre-law draw it up on account of the #MeToo movement.
Woman: This has nothing to do with #MeToo.
Man: But, the President said men have to be more careful now. This protects us both from making any mistakes now or in the future.
Woman: The President says and does a lot of things that are just wrong. #MeToo is about women standing together to make sure that men don't take advantage of them in the workplace or anyplace else. The message is simple, "No means no."
Man: So I guess I'll just rip up the contract then.
Woman: Better yet, take it home, so you could shred it and recycle it. Bye bye now! (Before she completely closes the door, he sticks his head back in.)
Man: Do you have any single friends?
Woman: This has nothing to do with #MeToo.
Man: But, the President said men have to be more careful now. This protects us both from making any mistakes now or in the future.
Woman: The President says and does a lot of things that are just wrong. #MeToo is about women standing together to make sure that men don't take advantage of them in the workplace or anyplace else. The message is simple, "No means no."
Man: So I guess I'll just rip up the contract then.
Woman: Better yet, take it home, so you could shred it and recycle it. Bye bye now! (Before she completely closes the door, he sticks his head back in.)
Man: Do you have any single friends?
End scene.